sabato 8 gennaio 2011

The Tempest

Experimental project inspired by The Thempest, by William Shakespeare. The project is composed in a serie of urban performances that involve the city of Venice. The formal contents of the shakesperean masterpiece are reinvented, reorganized and undress from their traditional clothes to convey the text essence.
There are a method and a structure that enable to give the contents up to absurd. Each time the single performance consider and analyze a scene or a character from The Tempest to take inspiration and create a visual art performance settled in the urban environment

The Tempest e’ un progetto ispirato a La Tempesta di William Shakespeare e si compone in una serie di performance urbane volte al coinvolgimento della citta’ di Venezia. I contenuti formali dell’opera shakespeariana vengono reinventati, desacralizzati e “spogliati” dalla loro veste tradizionale per cosi’ rendere l’essenza del testo.
Esistono infatti un metodo e una struttura che permettono di consegnare i contenuti all’assurdo. Di volta in volta le singole performance prendono in considerazione e analizzano una scena o un personaggio de La Tempesta e ne traggono ispirazione per una performance di arti visive da ambientare nel contesto urbano
I,ii Ferdinand and Miranda
punta della Dogana Venice

photo N. Fiocco

The Act I,ii talks about a romantic encounter and its impossibility to realize love

1 go with a bunch of believers to the boy with the frog at punta della dogana when there is the guardian next to it
2 put a female mannequin in front of the boy with the frog
3 be sure the mannequin has a good pedestal, if not it will fall in the water
4 wait until you can (the guardian is going to brutaly menace you and the tourists are going to take pictures)
5 go away with the mannequin as nothing happened
I,ii Antonio
ponte di San Basegio, Venice

The scene ii of Act I talks about loss of power and property

1 go with a bunch of believers on a bridge (proportioned to the number you are)
2 stay still on the bridge looking in different directions
3 let someone scream loud a signal
4 lose your senses and don't move for any reason
5 stop all together at a little agreed signal
6 go away in different directions as nothing happened
I,i Ariel
bus 2 Mestre FS-Venezia piazzale Roma

photo R. Banfi

In the scene i of Act I a huge tempest shipwreck boats and mariners.

1 go with a bunch of believers on a public transport from outside Venice to Venice (bus, train, boat)
2 wait when the transportation is running
3 let someone scream loud a signal
4 start making noise with whatever, a sound tempest (cucumber and pasta work really well, don't use glass, it breaks)
5 stop all together at a little agreed signal
6 get out the public transport as nothing happened